Dr. t. lee
Grade 3 Demonstratives: This/that, these/those Lesson
This lesson was conducted with grade 3 students; details of the instructional context are contained in the Demonstratives: This/that, these/those Lesson PowerPoint.
Figure 13 contains the instructional PowerPoint used in this lesson.
Click the box below to begin the PowerPoint.
Advance by clicking on the slides.
Figure 13. Demonstratives: This/that, these/those Lesson PowerPoint.
This lesson represents components 2-7 of my Teaching Philosophy. This lesson engaged grade 3b students in two important facets of language development, a highly structured lesson that involved direct instruction, guided practice, dialogue and collaboration coupled with independent work. The lesson scaffolded a variety of activities to enhance student understanding of demonstratives.
This type of lesson really gives the teacher an opportunity to make instant changes to instruction based on feedback from the students. I was immediately able to assess which concepts needed revision based on the student responses to the questions that were reviewed on the spot. Students enjoyed seeing the answers immediately following each question and being able to track their own performance and understanding as we navigated the lesson. During the independent practice section of the lesson, 90% of the students answered 83% of the questions correctly which indicated to me that the lesson was successful.
It is crucial that teachers continually solicit feedback from students as well as colleagues to improve their practice.
Student surveys were administered so that the students could provide an assessment of my teaching in the demonstratives lesson (see Figure 14 for examples of completed student surveys). This instructional survey was the first that grade 3 students had ever been asked to take (results are summarized in Figures 14-17). A survey was also provided to my co-teacher to solicit their input about my teaching (see Figure 19).
Qualitative feedback for this lesson included comments like: “I liked this lesson” (see Figure 14). Figures 15-18 summarize the student survey results. The students unanimously thought this lesson was fun and had an overwhelming preference for peer engagement during the lesson. The vast majority learned more about the lesson concepts and enjoyed the guided practice portion of the lesson. While the students were enthusiastic about the lesson, slightly more independent practice would be included in future lessons to reinforce the proper use of demonstratives. The survey results reflect the pervasive feeling in the classroom each day of my volunteer service; the students were eager to learn they are craving student-centered learning activities where they can interact with their peers and engage in guided practice to improve their English language development.
Figure 14. Grade 3 demonstratives lesson examples of completed student surveys.
Figure 15. “This lesson was fun” – grade 3 demonstratives lesson student survey.
Figure 16. “I liked working with my friends” – grade 3 demonstratives lesson student survey.
Figure 17. “I liked practicing the sentences” – grade 3 demonstratives lesson student survey.
Figure 18. “I learned more about this, that, these, and those” – grade 3 demonstratives lesson student survey.
Figure 19 is the completed co-teacher feedback for the demonstratives lesson; my co-teacher commented, “Your teaching is very useful for the students.” My co-teacher strongly agreed that every student spoke during the lesson and agreed that students learned about the grammatical concept as well as practiced applying it.
Figure 19. Co-teacher survey for grade 3 demonstratives lesson.
_Go to Grade 6b Hobbies: Grammar in Conversation –
Adjectives that end in –ing and –ed Lesson